Tuesday 10 December 2019

$30 an hour playing video games!

If you've never heard of Glen Anderson, then here's the skinny. Like you, he's a video gamer. But he's a gamer with a difference. Because he discovered that he could actually get paid to play games (yes, really!).
So, he eventually quit his job and started to make his living simply playing video games - or, rather, testing brand new games before they are released to the general public. 
That way the game creators know their games will perform properly under fire, when the general public get their hands on them. 
And, for this vital service, Glen got paid up to 30 bucks an hour! Sweet!
But Glen didn't stop there, because he saw there were tons of video game makers that needed testers - which is where you're set to cash in BIG TIME.
Because he's forged strong links with all these top game creators (especially the biggest payers!) and set up a private web site to put these guys in touch with guys like you who are smart enough to know that when they are playing the latest games - even before they hit Main Street - they are ALSO getting paid for doing it.
So check this out, right now and take the dollar test drive:  GET PAID TO PLAY GAMES !you'll be glad you did!

P.S. And here's the best bit, you get to KEEP the games. So just imagine the reaction of your gaming buddies when they've paid big bucks to buy the game - and you tell them, not only did you play it weeks ago, it didn't cost you a single red cent AND you actually got paid to play it. Here's the heads up again: 

3 Steps To Activating Your ‘Wealth Brain’

By Dr. Steve G. Jones, creator of Total Money Magnetism 
Did you know that one of the biggest reasons why most people don’t get the wealth and the life they want is that they don’t actually KNOW what they want?            
It’s true.
Although you may think you want to be wealthy and successful, the truth is that majority of people actually spend more time thinking about what they DON’T want rather than what they DO want.
For example, have you ever had any of these thoughts?
  • “I don’t want to be poor”
  • “I hate being in debt”
  • “I don’t want to be paying rent forever”
  • “I’m tired of struggling”
  • “I don’t want my kids to go without”
  • “I don’t want to be a failure”
Yes, most of us have had these kind of thoughts before…
And the problem is that focusing on what you don’t want actually prevents you from attracting wealth in your life.
Instead of manifesting that promotion, that business opportunity, or that unexpected windfall, you end up manifesting more debt, bills, and hardships!
So, how are self-made millionaires different?
The difference is that even before they became rich, they DREAMED of being wealthy and successful.
They literally had a “rich brain”.
Rather than dwelling on what they were lacking in their lives, they focused on the steps they were going to take each day that would lead them to the successful future they desired.
So, today I want to help YOU to develop the mindset of a millionaire, by teaching you these three simple steps to programming your mind for wealth.
These steps have helped me to get to where I am today, and I hope they help you to get on the path of achieving great success!
Step One: Set a target
Then first step is to set a specific goal for your financial future.
Think about what you really want, and try asking yourself the following questions…
  • How much money do I want to have in the bank?
  • What kind of job and salary do I want to have?
  • Am I happy working for others, or do I want to become my OWN boss?
  • What kind of assets do I want to own?
  • What kind of LIFESTYLE do I want to live?
It may be that you want to earn an income of over $100k per year, it may be to own a house mortgage-free, it may be to start up a successful business, or it may be to simply make an extra couple of hundred bucks a week so that you can start living the lifestyle you want.
Any target you want to achieve is great – the important thing is that it is what YOU want for your future, not what anyone ELSE wants.
P.S. Don’t worry about HOW you are going to achieve this goal right now (that’s the job of your subconscious!) – simply come up with a target that makes you feel really, really excited.
Step Two: Determine your REASONS for setting that target
It’s important to know the reasons WHY you want to be wealthy, because these reasons can determine whether or not you will achieve your goal.
Is it because you hate the job you’re in now, or because you’re terrified of the thought of struggling with debt and bills forever?
Or, is it because you have a dream to turn your passion into your day job, or you dream of becoming financially free so that you can live your dream lifestyle?
Wanting something out of passion and determination is a million times more powerful than wanting something out of fear, so it’s important that your reasons are positive and motivating.
For me, the reason I wanted to be wealthy was for financial freedom.
I’ve never had really expensive taste, and my luxury assets stretch as far as a nice condo and a Mercedes AMG… which of course are both very nice to have.
But what I love most about being wealthy is the freedom.
I love being able to spend majority of my time helping people, and travelling the world. And I love knowing that I would never have to work again even if I never made another penny in my life.
So, what is it about wealth that YOU want? What are the good things that would come from having an abundance of money? What would financial freedom enable you to do?
Here are some ideas:
  • To be able to provide a great lifestyle for my family
  • To be able to travel and go on vacations when I choose
  • To be able to buy my dream house or dream car
  • To be able to do the kind of work I love, and work the hours I choose
  • To feel successful, valued and proud of what I have achieved
Give yourself some time to think and then write down 2-3 reasons why you want to be wealthy.
Step Three: Align your brain with your target
The last step is to align your brain with your target.
The clearer and more specific you are about what you want to achieve, the harder your brain is going to work to make it happen.
So right now, I want you to try to actually visualize yourself achieving the goals you have set yourself, and picture how you will be FEELING in that moment.
For example…
  • Seeing that million-dollar balance when you log in to your online banking
  • Picturing yourself opening that dream business…
  • Welcoming your friends and family to your beautiful new home (that you own mortgage-free)…
  • Picturing yourself picking up that dream car from the lot…
  • Telling your kids about the amazing holiday you’re about to take them on…
Whatever your dream is, the more you practice visualizing in your mind, the more likely it is to become your reality.
Your subconscious mind sets out to attract into your life the things you think about MOST. So, make sure that the things you think about are things that you want.
Keep going over these three steps, and as these thoughts, images and feelings of wealth are absorbed through repetition by your subconscious, you'll soon find your life beginning to change in amazing ways you’d never dreamed possible.
If you want to learn how to take this further and effortlessly shape YOUR brain into the brain of a MILLIONAIRE, check out the quick personalized quiz below:

Do you have the mindset of a millionaire? Is wealth in your future..?

I’ve created a quick quiz which will determine whether you have the mindset of a millionaire. Go to the quiz here. 
*Note: You will be given a personalized report after completing this 60 second quiz, what will this say about you? Find out by taking the quiz here. 
Dr. Steve G. Jones
As a world-renowned Clinical Hypnotherapist and self-made millionaire, Dr. Steve G. Jones understands the powerful relationship between the brain and money. In order for people to experience financial success, they first need to remove any barriers to wealth within their subconscious minds. Using hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming, Dr. Steve helps people to remove these barriers so that they can take their lives to the next level of success.

5 Reasons Why You Are Worthy Of Wealth

5 Reasons Why You Are Worthy Of Wealth

By Dr. Steve G. Jones, creator of Total Money Magnetism 

This might sound a little strange… but do you truly believe that you DESERVE wealth?
Sometimes the number one thing holding people back from manifesting wealth is that deep in their subconscious minds, they don’t really believe that they are worthy of a financially-free life.
There are many reasons why someone may feel that they aren’t worthy of being wealthy, and we’ll get to these soon.
But what you need to know right now is that believing that you are deserving of a life of abundance is VITAL to being able to manifest all of the money and success you want.
Because attracting wealth doesn’t comes from living in fear of what you don’t want – being ‘poor’ and struggling – it comes from a place of self-love, acceptance, and belief.
So that’s why today, I want to share with you five reasons why you ARE worthy and deserving of wealth, and show you how you can break free from the false beliefs that are holding you back right now…
1. There is an abundance of money in the Universe just waiting for you to let it in.
First of all, there is no shortage of money in this world. There really isn’t.
Money is abundant, and there is plenty available for all who reach for it, including you.
Does this idea sound a little crazy to you right now?
If so, that’s OK. But it may mean that you are operating from a ‘scarcity mentality’ right now.
A scarcity mindset tells you that there is a lack of money to go around and a lack of opportunities to make money.
And when you believe that money is limited, you can start to compare yourself to others and find reasons why you ‘fall short’ – why you don’t deserve to have as much as others.
You feel anxious and helpless about your finances, and as a result you never move forward.
On the other hand is the empowering mindset of abundance.
When you train your brain to develop an abundant mindset, you will discover that there are ALWAYS new opportunities to make money, and that you deserve to have wealth just as much as everyone else.
You will be free from the fear and doubt that previously kept you stuck in a cycle of struggle, and open to a future of financial freedom.
Do you have a ‘scarcity brain’ or a ‘rich brain’?
2. Money has no prerequisites. You are already enough.
One of the things about having a scarcity mindset is believing that you have to be a certain kind of person to be wealthy.
For example, that you need to be top-of-the-class smart, have a career in dentistry or law, be a ‘trust-fund baby’, or a workaholic that never has time for fun.  
The truth is, wealth has no ‘prerequisites’ – ANYONE can become wealthy, no matter what their background.
And whether or not you realize it yet, you have your own special strengths and talents that have the potential to bring great wealth into your life!
In fact, you may not believe it right now but I guarantee that there is an opportunity waiting for you to turn one of your passions into a source of income… you just need to recognize it.
3. You are not limited by your past.
It doesn’t matter what has happened in your past, your age, or how ‘bad’ you may have been with money… you can still manifest a future of wealth and abundance!
It happened for me. At the lowest point in my life, I was $80,000 in credit card debt, literally living in my office, and on the brink of a nervous breakdown. I just couldn’t see a way out of it.
But now, I can happily say that I am a multi, multi-millionaire, free of all debt, and every day of my life is more amazing than I ever dreamed it could be.
How did I get from that point to this point? And, how can you transform your own life in the same way?
Well, that is a story too long for this article. But if you’re interested in learning how I went from being thousands in debt to a cash millionaire in just a few years, then you can check out my story here.
4. Everyone deserves the chance to live a rich, happy life.
Does that family down the road living in that 2-storey mansion and driving late-model BMWs really deserve wealth more than you do?
No way.
You, just as much as anyone, deserve the chance to live your richest, happiest life.
So if money troubles are preventing you from living that life right now - a life where you are free to live the way you want - then it’s time to look at your relationship with money and how it is affecting the energy you are producing.
If you are feeling unhappy, frustrated, or fearful about your finances, unfortunately these emotions will be causing you to manifest only more of what you DON’T want - more doubt, more fear, and more scarcity.
In this situation, trying to manifest wealth is like trying to plant a ‘money tree’ in poisoned soil… it simply won’t grow.
But if you can cultivate a mindset of abundance and self-love, this will be the foundation from which your financial success can flourish.
5. By manifesting wealth in your own life, you can help to enrich the lives of others.
One of the great things about having money is that you can use it to help others. Giving back to help others in need and spreading the message of abundance is incredibly rewarding.
One way you can do this is by donating money or resources to charity.
I personally support a number of charities - particularly the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society as my Mom died of leukemia and the American Lung Association as my Dad died of emphysema.
Another way to do this is by helping your children to develop an abundant mindset and educating them about managing money, so that they too can enjoy an abundant future.
Personally, through my work as a Clinical Hypnotherapist and wealth coach, I try to help as many people as I can to free their minds from barriers to wealth and experience the financial freedom they deserve.
You are worthy of wealth. You are deserving of wealth. And now, you just need to start believing it, so that you can start manifesting all of the wealth you deserve!
If you would like to learn more about cultivating an abundant, wealth-attracting mindset, I invite you to check out my Free Mini-Book, The Skill of Money Magnetism.

Want To Learn How To Manifest Wealth Like A Millionaire?

Get Dr. Steve G. Jones’ free mini-book today and learn the six steps to train your brain to think like a millionaire.
Dr. Steve G. Jones
As a world-renowned Clinical Hypnotherapist and self-made millionaire, Dr. Steve G. Jones understands the powerful relationship between the brain and money. In order for people to experience financial success, they first need to remove any barriers to wealth within their subconscious minds. Using hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming, Dr. Steve helps people to remove these barriers so that they can take their lives to the next level of success.

$30 an hour playing video games!

If you've never heard of Glen Anderson, then here's the skinny.  Like you, he's a video gamer. But he's a gamer with ...